Our Insite Specialist Support Coordinators have extensive experience providing support to specific, high complex needs and participants with high level risk factors. Our Specialist Support Coordinators assist participants with high support needs to access services and overcome barriers, helping them connect with both mainstream and funded services.
With a broad range of skills and lived experience we can support our participants to implement their plan and navigate complex changes they may be facing through working with broader stakeholders including child safety, office of public guardian, public trustee, nurse and hospital navigators supporting safe transitions.
We currently have capacity and would love to hear from you.
We are a NDIS registered provider with a dedicated team of NDIS specialist coordinators who are here to help you.
Let us help you maximise your NDIS plan and connect you with the supports that are right for you!
Helping you understand and navigate your plan
Building your circle of supports, your choice, your way
Supporting you to build your capacity and independence
Reaching your short and long term goals
We support lifestyle changes that lead you towards independence.
With over 25 years experience, and extensive knowledge of living and working with disabilities,
we can assist you to bring about significant change across all areas of your life.
We make it our priority to get to know you, understand your current network and help you build a sustainable circle of support. We are an NDIS registered provider and will guide you through processes to help you understand your NDIS plan.
We understand the NDIS and work closely with you to
achieve your goals making your journey as seamless as
possible. We help you negotiate the best rates with your
support providers, giving you choice and control while
building your support team.
We will ensure service agreements and service bookings are completed. We will help build your ability to coordinate supports and access your local community. We can also assist you in planning ahead to prepare for your plan review. We will assist you to 'optimise' your plan ensuring that you are getting the most out of your funded supports.
Understand your plan, the price guide and budgets
Keep you up to date on the latest NDIS information
Liaise with your providers to explain your goals and preferences
Use the MyGov portal and myplace participant portal
Understand your service agreements
Check service bookings are correct
Connect you with local services ie. advocacy
Resolve points of crisis
Ensure you are receiving good quality service
Monitor budgets and use of funding
Constantly monitor conflicts of interest
Ensure required paperwork, quotes etc are completed
Provide justification of supports to NDIS
Consider and find mainstream and community supports